Thursday, November 19, 2009

Investigating Browsers

Firefox is definitely my browser of choice. I always wonder why people have made so many different browsers that compete with each other, it never made any particular sense to me. But I know that as soon as I open up Safari or Internet Explorer I feel strange. Its amazing how much format matters, like when facebook changed its format pandemonium broke out.
The other thing about browsers is sometimes I realize how little I really know about them. What options I am missing out on because I dont really interact with the program that much, just use it to get online essentially.

Blogging ect.

Blogging is a very strange thing. I kindof wish I could blog about my student teaching rather than turning in journals, I feel like I might be much more consistent with my work if that were the case. This coming weekend will be catch-up weekend for me. I have managed to get very behind in all my classes, I have made one giant list of things to do and if all goes well I will get everything finished by Monday. Here is to crossing my fingers!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have found that the usefulness of Blackboard is in direct correlation with how tech savvy the teacher or professor is. The Blackboard site for this class is extremely useful, but I have found that this is the first time this has really been true. Most other times it is not used, or not used in a way that you can easily navigate. Organization is key. I find the most useful part of this classes Blackboard is the assignments tab. It is nice to have complex assignments laid out step by step. Clears up confusion and makes it possible to get caught up if you need to.
I can see how it is time consuming to make a good Blackboard site, and if I have the time to do so I would love to make one for my own classes in the future. The one feature I wish they had was a way to 'save' everything in one neat and easy step. Most of my teachers place wonderful resources on their sites that I would like to keep. But I find the task of going through and saving each page and each link to be a daunting process. Maybe there is a better way to do this that I have not seen yet though.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My new Blog!

Here it is, the Tech Blog of miss K.P. I have so many of these set up that I never use its rather sad. I hope this one gets some more mileage on it than my previous attempts.